Wildlife Will Stay Rent Free 

Wildlife Loves To Make Your Home Their Home

Wildlife like to move into your home for comfort and food. Not only can they be a nuisance, wildlife can cause problems to your home, they could also cause hazards to your health.

If you hear scratching or animals walking on the roof, you probably need a wildlife expert to check things out.  Wildlife such as squirrels, mice, racoons and birds look for ways to enter the home. Acorns brought in by mice & squirrels sound like something rolling around on your ceilings or in the attic. Once wildlife make it into your home, they build nests and start looking for food. If left untreated the wildlife begin to start a family and quickly multiply. St Charles Pest Control can determined with an attic inspection to see what’s going on for free.

Ketchum Pest & Termite Solutions can trap and remove any unwanted wildlife from your property. Also repairs can be done as well clean up needed. Raccoons can enter in vents, chimneys, & damaged soffits and can call your house there’s! Repairing damage wood from leaking gutters, replacing missing pieces of soffit are ways to prevent these unwanted tenants. Don’t wait if you suspect wildlife in the home, as often they don’t leave. Call for a free no obligation inspection. 314-686-3444