Boxelder Bugs

Boxelder Bugs in St. Charles, MO


½ inch long with a dark brown or black coloration, relieved by red wing veins and markings on the abdomen.


In the fall one of the common occasion invaders are Boxelder Bugs. Know to form large aggregations while sunning themselves in areas near rocks, shrubs, trees, and man-made structures. This is especially a problem during the cooler months, when they sometimes invade houses and other man-made structures seeking warmth or a place to spend the winter.


If you thinking of planting box elder trees in your yard, choose male trees since female box elder trees are more susceptible to infestation.  Make sure all window screens are in perfect condition and seal correctly. These insects only need less than a ¼ inch to call the structure home.


Boxelders fly to sun themselves for a quick warm up. Exterior applications with Residual pesticide in along cracks and crevices, thresholds, eaves, soffit for control. If they get into the attic these pests can show up anywhere inside your home. If you experienced Boxelders inside the home contact a St. Charles Pest Exterminator at Ketchum Pest & Termite Solutions can help. To schedule your free inspection give us a call. 314-686-3444